Meet The Team

President / Head Coach
John McDonald
John is Managing Director of John McDonald Building Services, a local residential building company, who are also a Major Sponsor of the Corporate Clash
John has good business acumen and leads with a no nonsense attitude, showing a gracious and humble acceptance of others, and a firm believer in learning something new every day
John has extensive Boxing experience and holds multiple accolades including NSW, Queensland, Australian, Pan Pacific and International Championship Titles
John takes great satisfaction in assisting and helping others, and is a firm believer that more comes from giving than receiving

Public Officer / Treasurer
Katie Palmer McDonald
Katie is Public Officer and Treasurer of Corporate Clash Inc.
Katie has an extensive Financial and Management background as is Chief Financial Officer of Nepean
She is a tireless worker, full of abounded energy and lively enthusiasm
She is also treasurer of the Camden Show Society, and involves herself extensively in local based charity work
Katie is also a previous contender of the Corporate Clash and has experienced the journey of a boxer, and been involved many years with the Corporate Clash
Her main role is that of structure, delegation and organisation (a stickler for the rules)
Katie has a great understanding of the commitment and dedication required by a boxer, and as such also assists in the training and mental preparation required by our brave participants
A bubbly, intelligent, ever smiling and extremely pleasant lady, Katie is an integral part of the team

Kim Fathers
Kim is the Administration Manager at John McDonald Building Services and for the past 9 years has been the pillar of the JMBS team. She has decades of administration & accounts experience with strong organisational skills. Kim is super excited to be working with The Corporate Clash team. She has been actively involved in the background of the Corporate Clash for the past 4 years and loves being part of the dynamic, friendly and engaging local organisation which looks across the whole charity sector.
Kim has wonderful people skills and an ability to put a smile on anyone’s face.

Vice President
Greg Copeland
After participating in the inaugural Corporate Clash in 2014 and attending every year thus far along with being Master of Ceremonies in 2022 I was honoured to join the committee in 2023.
Director – My Property Consultants (Licensed Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer)
Board of Directors Wests League Club since 2022
Member of Wests Property and Development Committee since 2017
Forum of Western Sydney Airport Member since 2019
President of Camden Rugby League Football Club since 2017
Life Member – Camden Junior Rugby League Football Club
Life Member – Camden Public & Camden High Schools
Councillor – Camden Council 2012 - 2016
Charity Auctioneer for Society 389, Variety Children’s Charity and local charity organisations
Long term resident of Camden Area

Vice President
Paul Druce
Paul is the fuel that keeps the engine going in the background
With an extensive history of involvement in Boxing, Paul has assisted multitudes of boxers on their journey, both here and internationally
Paul is the Corporate Clash promoter and does al the hard work behind the scenes
Ranging from Boxing NSW memberships, Combat Sports profiling and accreditation, ring and officials organisation, referees and judges included
Pauls job is a thankless and demanding role, that requires patience and perseverance
Paul is well respected and appreciated amongst our board, honest and reliable to a tee
Paul has been involved in the background since inception, so please say hello when you see him

Vice President
Mick Gunn
A well known and well liked member of the Camden community, Mick has extensive boxing and training knowledge
Mick is Manager at Camden Hire, one of the foundation companies and major sponsor of the Corporate Clash
Mick is the man every boxer goes to when they start to panic or doubt themselves
A calming and knowledgeable mentor of the ring, Mick is a must to the team
Reliable, dedicated and genuine, Mick has been mentoring Corporate Clash fighters from origin
One of the most enduring and likeable men you can meet and inaugural recipient of the Grant Butterfield Shield

Vice President
Kimberley Winton Streater
Kimberley is a well known and highly respected local businesswoman and owner MLG Conveyancing.
Kimberley brings a vast array of knowledge, contact and character to the board.
Being a previous combatant herself, Kimberley understands the dedication and commitment required of the combatants before that final bell rings.
A Macarthur resident her entire life, Kimberley shares a passion for assisting locals in need, and is a generous sponsor and supporter of many events in our region.
A tireless and dedicated worker also, the team is complete and favoured with her on board.